Structure of Snap Schedule 365 object: ShiftAssignment


Title Type Description
EmployeeCode string Code of the employee who is assigned this shift. This value is read-only.
EmployeeName string Name of the employee who is assigned this shift. This value is read-only.
EmployeePositionShortDescription string Short code of the employee’s position who is assigned this shift. This value is read-only.
EmployeePostionDescription string Description of the employee’s position who is assigned this shift. This value is read-only.
ShiftCode string Code of the shift involved in this assignment. This value is read-only.
ShiftDescription string Description of the shift involved in this assignment. This value is read-only.
ShiftLocationCode string Code of the location of the shift involved in this assignment. This value is read-only.
ShiftLocationDescription string Description of the location of the shift involved in this assignment. This value is read-only.
ID number ID of the shift assignment
ShiftID number (references Shift) Identifies the shift for this shift assignment
EmployeeID number (references Employee) Identifies the employee for this shift assignment
Date Date Identifies the date (not time) for this shift assignment
IsOnCall boolean Is this an on-call shift assignment?
AssignmentReasonID number (references Definition) Identifies a reason for this shift assignment
SkillID number (references Definition) Identifies a skill to be linked to this shift assignment
PositionID number (references Definition) Identifies a position to be linked to this shift assignment
IsShiftAdjusted boolean Has the shift start time, end time, or unpaid duration been adjusted for this shift assignment?
AdjustedStartTime Date Adjusted assignment start time (applicable only if IsShiftAdjusted = true)
AdjustedDuration number Adjusted assignment duration in minutes (applicable only if IsShiftAdjusted = true)
AdjustedUnpaidDuration number Adjusted assignment unpaid duration (applicable only if IsShiftAdjusted = true)
ShiftTradeID number Identifies an approved shift trade that is associated with this shift assignment
Notes string Any notes for this shift assignment
DateCreated Date Date and time that the shift assignment was created
LastUpdated Date Date and time that the shift assignment was updated
TaskAssignments TaskAssignment Array Array of TaskAssignment objects.
CompanyTimeNow Date The current date and time in the account’s defined timezone.