Structure of Snap Schedule 365 object: ShiftPremiumPolicy


Title Type Description
ID number ID of the shift premium policy
Code string Unique code to identify the shift premium policy
Description string Description of the shift premium policy
IsShiftRate boolean Is there a per shift rate component?
ShiftRate number Per shift rate component
IsHourlyRate boolean Is there an hourly rate component?
HourlyRate number Hourly rate component
IsRateMulitiplier boolean Is there a pay rate multiplier component?
RateMultiplier number Pay rate multiplier component
ApplicableDayMask number Bit mask of applicable days for the shift premium policy (1=Sunday, 2=Monday, etc.)
ApplicableStartTime Date Applicable starting time of day for this shift premium policy
ApplicableDuration number Applicable duration in minutes for this shift premium policy
IncludeOvertimeExempt boolean Include overtime exempt employees?
IncludeInOvertimeCalculation boolean Include shift premium policy in overtime calculations?
IsOnCallShiftRate boolean Is there an on-call per shift rate component?
OnCallShiftRate number On-call per shift rate component
IsOnCallHourlyRate boolean Is there an on-call hourly rate component?
OnCallHourlyRate number On-call hourly rate component
IsOnCallRateMulitiplier boolean Is there an on-call pay rate multiplier component?
OnCallRateMultiplier number On-call pay rate multiplier component
IncludeOnCallInOvertimeCalculation boolean Include on-call pay in overtime calculations?
DateCreated Date Date and time that the shift premium policy was created
LastUpdated Date Date and time that the shift premium policy was updated
ShiftPremiumPolicyShifts ShiftPremiumPolicyShift Array Array of ShiftPremiumPolicyShift objects.
ShiftPremiumPolicyDates ShiftPremiumPolicyDate Array Array of ShiftPremiumPolicyDate objects.
CompanyTimeNow Date The current date and time in the account’s defined timezone.