Recorded Labor Cost by Employee

Recorded Employee Labor Cost

The Recorded Labor Cost by Employee report provides a daily breakdown of employee labor cost based on punch in/out records for the specified report date range. By default, labor cost data for all employees for the current week is displayed. The data is organized by employee and sorted by date. The Document Map shows the tree view of the employees covered in the report. Clicking any of the employee names will position the report to the section that shows estimated cost breakdown for that employee.

For each employee, this report displays a detail line for each day the employee has punch in/out activities. Each line shows a breakdown of regular work hours (based on punch in/out records), overtime work hours, regular work labor cost, shift premium cost, overtime work labor cost, payable time off hours, payable time off cost, and on-call pay. The overtime hours and overtime costs are calculated based on work hours and the overtime settings you have defined for your business. The payable time off hours and payable time off costs are calculated based on the payable time off taken by the employee. The shift premium cost and on-call cost are computed based on applicable shift premium policies.

The report contains the following fields:

Report Header Information: Your business name, report title, the range of dates covered in the report, and the sort order. You can selectively hide these fields using the command.

Employee Header Information: Information about the employee. Each header contains the employee name, employee code, job position, team, and the employee's home location. Clicking the employee name hyperlink will bring up the Employee's record to let you view and make changes if needed.

Date: Date when the employee has at least one shift assignment or a payable time off assignment.

Work Hours - Regular: The regular work hours (excluding overtime) computed from employee's punch in/out times. When there is no in punch recorded in a shift, the work hours will be set to zero. If a shift has been punched in but is missing an out punch, a best estimate will be presented and a question mark in red color will be displayed in the Total field to indicate that the data is not reliable. For example, if an employee punched in at 7AM, punched out at 9AM, punched in again at 10AM, and never punched out, the work hours will show 2 hours with a red question mark.

Work Hours - Overtime: Overtime work hours computed from punch in/out times and the overtime settings for your business.

Work Hours - Total: The sum of regular work hours and overtime work hours.

Work Labor Cost - Regular: Regular work labor cost computed as the regular work hours times the employee's hourly cost.

Work Labor Cost - Premium: Shift premium cost computed based on applicable shift premium policies. This field is displayed only when the Display shift premium data option is enabled using the command.

Work Labor Cost - Overtime: Overtime work labor cost computed based on the overtime settings for your business.

Work Labor Cost - Total: The sum of regular work labor cost, shift premium cost, and overtime labor cost. If a shift has been punched in but there is no out punch recorded, a question mark in red color will be displayed to indicate that the total cost is not reliable.

Payable Time Off - Hours: Total hours from all paid time off taken by the employee for the day.

Payable Time Off - Cost: Payable time off cost computed as the payable time off hours times the employee's hourly cost.

On Call Pay: On call compensation cost computed based on applicable shift premium policies. This field is displayed only when the Display on call pay data option is enabled using the command.

Total Cost: The sum of regular work labor cost, overtime work labor cost, shift premium cost, on call cost, and payable time off cost.