Using the Shift Coverage Planner

The main goal of employee scheduling is to match the number of available employees with the demand that exists in a given time period. Having more employees than needed reduces operating margins and having too few employees adversely affects customer service levels. The Shift Coverage Planner, available only in the Shift View, lets you define how many employees you need by position, skill, or shift assignment reason and it will indicate if you have over/understaffed a shift.

Corresponding to each shift, there is a three-column coverage profile shown directly below it. The first column (Req) contains the required head counts for each position, skill, or assignment reason. You can determine the required head count for each position, skill, or assignment reason by selecting a shift and clicking in the menu bar of the Shift View. Alternatively, you can right-click any cell under a particular shift and click Edit Requirements.

The second column (Asg) shows the number of employees assigned to the shift. The third column (Var) shows the variances in staffing (assigned head count - required head count). Snap Schedule 365 automatically computes and displays the assigned head counts and variances. The variances are color coded to identify whether the assigned head counts are over or under. Red indicates understaffing (negative number), orange indicates overstaffing (positive number), and green indicates the right level of staffing (0).

Coverage by Position

Snap Schedule 365 lets you instantly know how many people you have scheduled on each shift, by position, and if you have specified how many people you need at each position, it will automatically compute and display color coded numbers to identify whether the assigned head counts are over or under. To use this feature, you must first define all employee positions you would like to cover, then assign each employee a position.

To display coverage by position for each shift, click on or until you reach the Position tab. The planner presents shift coverage information in a spreadsheet-like format that lists all available positions down the leftmost column - one row for each position.

Coverage by Skill

Similar to coverage by position, you can instantly know how many people you have scheduled on each shift, by the type of skills. If you have specified how many people you need to have a particular skill, Snap Schedule 365 will automatically compute and display color coded numbers to identify whether the assigned head counts are over or under. To use this feature, you must first define all skills you would like to cover, then associate each employee with one or more skills. Because an employee can have more than one skill, the employee may be counted multiple times - one for each skill possessed.

To display coverage by skill for each shift, click on or until you reach the Skills tab. The planner presents shift coverage information in a spreadsheet-like format that lists all available skills down the leftmost column - one row for each skill.

Coverage by Assignment Reason

Similar to coverage by position and skill, you can instantly know how many people you have scheduled on each shift by assignment reason. If you have specified how many people you need for a particular assignment reason, Snap Schedule 365 will automatically compute and display color coded numbers to identify whether the assigned head counts are over or under. To use this feature, you must first define all shift assignment reasons you would like to cover. Then, when making a shift assignment, you can choose a shift assignment reason for the shift.

To display coverage by assignment reason for each shift, click on or until you reach the Reason tab. The planner presents shift coverage information in a spreadsheet-like format that lists all available shift assignment reasons down the leftmost column - one row for each reason.