Structure of Snap Schedule 365 object: ShiftTrade


Title Type Description
ID number ID of the shift trade record
PostedEmployeeID number (references Employee) Identifies the employee who posted the shift trade
AcceptedEmployeeID number (references Employee) Identifies the selected bidder
StatusValue number Shift trade status: 0=Open, 1=Bid Accepted pending approval from scheduler, 2=Closed - trade accepted, 3=Closed - rejected by scheduler, 4= Canceled
ExpirationDate Date Cut-off date/time for bids. After this date, the shift trade record will be considered closed
OnlyInviteesAllowed boolean False: Any qualified employee can view/trade. True: Only invitees can view/trade
Notes string Any notes for this shift trade
PostedShiftAssignmentID number Identifies the shift assignment that was posted in this shift trade
PostedShiftAssignmentDate Date Date of the shift assignment that was posted. Used for date filtering even if the shift assignment is deleted or moved.
PostedShiftAssignmentInfo string Stores dereferenced info about the shift assignment that was posted for trade
TradedShiftAssignmentID number Identifies the shift assignment that was traded for the posted shift assignment
TradedShiftAssignmentInfo string Stores dereferenced info about the shift assignment that was traded
DateCreated Date Date and time that the shift trade was posted
LastUpdated Date Date and time that the shift trade was updated
ShiftTradeInvitees ShiftTradeInvitee Array Array of ShiftTradeInvitee objects.
ShiftTradeBids ShiftTradeBid Array Array of ShiftTradeBid objects.
CompanyTimeNow Date The current date and time in the account’s defined timezone.