Structure of Snap Schedule 365 object: DataBank


Title Type Description
ID number ID of the data bank
Code string Unique code to identify the data bank
Description string Description of the data bank
IsActive boolean Is the data bank active?
IsVisible boolean Is the data bank visible to employees?
LocationID number (references Location) Optionally identifies a location for this data bank
Title1 string Title to be displayed for value 1 (e.g. Overtime)
Title2 string Title to be displayed for value 2 (e.g. Overtime)
Title3 string Title to be displayed for value 3 (e.g. Overtime)
Title4 string Title to be displayed for value 4 (e.g. Overtime)
Title5 string Title to be displayed for value 5 (e.g. Overtime)
Title6 string Title to be displayed for value 6 (e.g. Overtime)
Title7 string Title to be displayed for value 7 (e.g. Overtime)
Title8 string Title to be displayed for value 8 (e.g. Overtime)
Title9 string Title to be displayed for value 9 (e.g. Overtime)
Title10 string Title to be displayed for value 10 (e.g. Overtime)
Title11 string Title to be displayed for value 11 (e.g. Overtime)
Title12 string Title to be displayed for value 12 (e.g. Overtime)
Units1 string Units to be displayed for value 1 (e.g. Points)
Units2 string Units to be displayed for value 2 (e.g. Points)
Units3 string Units to be displayed for value 3 (e.g. Points)
Units4 string Units to be displayed for value 4 (e.g. Points)
Units5 string Units to be displayed for value 5 (e.g. Points)
Units6 string Units to be displayed for value 6 (e.g. Points)
Units7 string Units to be displayed for value 7 (e.g. Points)
Units8 string Units to be displayed for value 8 (e.g. Points)
Units9 string Units to be displayed for value 9 (e.g. Points)
Units10 string Units to be displayed for value 10 (e.g. Points)
Units11 string Units to be displayed for value 11 (e.g. Points)
Units12 string Units to be displayed for value 12 (e.g. Points)
Format1 string Format string to display value 1
Format2 string Format string to display value 2
Format3 string Format string to display value 3
Format4 string Format string to display value 4
Format5 string Format string to display value 5
Format6 string Format string to display value
Format7 string Format string to display value
Format8 string Format string to display value
Format9 string Format string to display value
Format10 string Format string to display value 10
Format11 string Format string to display value 11
Format12 string Format string to display value 12
CustomRuleID number Identifies the custom rule used by this data bank
Notes string Any applicable notes
DateCreated Date Date and time that the data bank was created
LastUpdated Date Date and time that the data bank was updated
DataBankEmployees DataBankEmployee Array Array of DataBankEmployee objects.
CompanyTimeNow Date The current date and time in the account’s defined timezone.