Get a list of data banks

URL: GET /api/v1/databanks[?code=<databank_code>]

Content: None

Returns: A list of Data Banks filtered by databank_code, if supplied.

Get a data bank by ID

URL: GET /api/v1/databanks/<databank_id>

Content: None

Returns: A single Data Bank whose ID is databank_id.

Create a data bank

URL: POST /api/v1/databanks

Content: The Data Bank to create.

Returns: The Data Bank created.

Update a data bank

URL: PUT /api/v1/databanks

Content: The Data Bank to update.

Returns: The Data Bank updated.

Delete a data bank by ID

URL: DELETE /api/v1/databanks/<databank_id>

Content: None

Returns: None

Get a list of data bank balances

URL: GET /api/v1/databanks/<databank_code>/balances[?employeeid=<employee_id>][&employeecode=<employee_code>][&asofdate=<as_of_date>]

Content: None

Returns: The Data Bank balance information for the specifed databank_code. If an employee_id or employee_code is provided, the balance information will be filtered for the indicated employee. If as_of_date is not provided, then today’s date will be used. The databank_code must refer to a data bank that is already defined in the schedule.

Get a list of data bank transactions

URL: GET /api/v1/databanks/<databank_code>/transactions[?employeeid=<employee_id>][&employeecode=<employee_code>][&startdate=<start_date>][&enddate=<end_date>]

Content: None

Returns: A list of Data Bank Transactions for the specifed databank_code. If an employee_id or employee_code is provided, the list of transactions will be filtered for the indicated employee. If start_date or end_date is not provided, then today’s date will be used. The databank_code must refer to a Data Bank that is already defined in the schedule.

Create a data bank transaction

URL: POST /api/v1/databanks/<databank_code>/transactions

Content: The Data Bank Transaction to create in the data bank specifed by databank_code.

Returns: The Data Bank Transaction created.

Update a data bank transaction

URL: PUT /api/v1/databanks/<databank_code>/transactions

Content: The Data Bank Transaction to update in the data bank specifed by databank_code.

Returns: The Data Bank Transaction updated.

Delete a data bank transaction by ID

URL: DELETE /api/v1/databanks/<databank_code>/transactions/<databank_id>

Content: None

Returns: None

Create data bank transactions in bulk

URL: POST /api/v1/databanks/<databank_code>/transactions/bulk

Content: A list of Data Bank Transactions to create in the data bank specifed by databank_code.

Returns: A list of the Data Bank Transactions created.

Update data bank transactions in bulk

URL: PUT /api/v1/databanks/<databank_code>/transactions/bulk

Content: A list of the Data Bank Transactions to update in the data bank specifed by databank_code.

Returns: A list of the Data Bank Transactions updated.

Delete data bank transactions by ID in bulk

URL: DELETE /api/v1/databanks/<databank_code>/transactions/bulk

Content: A list of databank_transaction_ids (integers) that match the ID fields of the Data Bank Transactions to delete.

Returns: None