Emulating Employee Access

Emulating ERA

Schedulers can see all information that an employee can see. However, it may be useful to verify that a change made by a scheduler is actually visible to an employee or to perform actions on an employee's behalf. Therefore, you can emulate an employee's online access experience by launching the Employee Access tool straight from Snap Schedule 365.

To launch the Employee Access emulator:

  1. Under the Admin tab, hover over Tools and then click Emulate Employee Access, or from the Scheduler Dashboard, click the button in the Account Information box.

Using the emulator

  1. Click Select Employee to choose an employee to emulate. The list of Employee Names and Employee Codes will appear in a new window. Click on an employee and select OK.  The phone screen will display the employee's schedule.

  2. The phone screen operates exactly like a touch screen. Clicking on buttons represents tapping a touchscreen and clicking/dragging the mouse cursor represents scrolling a page.