The US is ripe for new legislation in regard to predictable employee scheduling, and similar scheduling regulations. Recently, Seattle’s city council passed the “secure scheduling” law , and other areas in the U.S. such as Oregon, New York, North Carolina, and Connecticut are considering legislation in regard to employee management. Seattle is following San Francisco’s lead, which recently passed what has been referred to as the Formula Retail Workers Bill of Rights . Businesses in Seattle falling under the new regulations will be required under City of Seattle ch. 14.22 sec. 040 2016 entitled “Advance notice of work schedule” to send employees their upcoming work schedules at least 14 calendar days in advance. Snap Schedule 365 makes notifying your employees’ of their upcoming schedules simple, and it also allows employees’ schedules to be easily accessible on any device.
In addition to being able to access employees’ current schedules on any device anytime and anywhere, schedulers and managers can print and post, or email schedules in a snap!
Print Your Employees’ Schedule In A Few Simple Steps
The schedule tab within Snap Schedule 365 shift scheduling software allows you to select the schedule view that is most conducive to your needs. Schedulers can choose from daily view by employee, daily view by shift, shift view, calendar view, and task view. Schedulers can select the daily view by employee to print a schedule displaying a spreadsheet with each employee’s name, days they are scheduled, the shifts they have been assigned, the location(s), and times. After selecting the desired date range, click the print icon, name the file, and then print.
Email Your Employees’ Schedules In A Few Simple Steps
To email employees, open your upcoming schedule inside Snap Schedule 365. From the schedule, schedulers can select the mail icon to email schedules directly to employees. Select a custom date range for the upcoming schedule dates. A list of employees will be displayed. The list of employees is displayed with their name, employee code, and position, which make selecting the proper employees stress-free. You can select certain employees from the drop down list, or include all.
Once you have selected the proper upcoming date range for the schedule, and the employees you wish to send the schedule to, Snap Schedule 365 then allows you to decide if you would like to send the employee’s individual calendar or email a group schedule to all selected employees. You also have the option of including an ICalendar attachment so employees can easily sync their upcoming schedule with their calendars. Snap Schedule 365 also gives you the option to include attachments. Create the appropriate subject line and message body for upcoming schedule emails so when employees receive their schedules via email they know what to expect. Then, preview the email that will be sent to your employees notifying them of their upcoming schedule. The schedule is color coded, and will include information such as day, date, shift, location, start and end times, whether the employee will be on call, and any assignment reasons if notated. Once you have reviewed and made any changes to the schedule email that will be sent to the selected employees, you are prompted to confirm the email. Upon confirmation, the schedule will be sent to the appropriate employees.
Enjoy a free trial of Snap Schedule 365 to see for yourself, and experience how beneficial utilizing our employee scheduling software can be for your company. However you decide to notify your employees of their upcoming schedules let Snap Schedule 365 make executing your scheduling tasks stress-free!