Los Angeles Retail Fair Work Week Ordinance Starts April 1 – Get Ready and Stay Compliant with Snap Schedule

The City of Los Angeles recently implemented the Retail Fair Work Week Ordinance, which aims to provide stability and predictability to retail employees. As a retail business owner, it’s essential to adapt to these changes and maintain compliance with the new law. This blog post will discuss the ordinance’s key provisions and how Snap Schedule…


HPPD and The Impact Of CMS’s July 2022 5-Star Quality Rating Changes

With the July 27, 2022 refresh, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) revised its methodology for calculating the staffing rating for long-term care facilities. In addition to existing staffing measures for registered nurses (RN) and total nurse hours per resident per day, the new staffing domain rating methodology includes four new measures: Total nurse…


Streamlining Crew Callouts in Public Utilities for Maximum Efficiency

Public utilities play a vital role in the daily lives of millions of people. From electricity and water to natural gas and telecommunications, these essential services require skilled crews to maintain, repair, and upgrade infrastructure. As a critical component of the industry, effective crew callout procedures are essential to ensure the timely deployment of these…

Using Azure Active Directory for Single Sign On with Snap 365

How it works: Schedulers enter user name and passwords to log into Snap Schedule 365, while employees use employee codes and passwords. However, your company policies may require these users to log in from your organization instead of directly into Snap Schedule 365. Therefore, you can utilize Single Sign On (SSO) to authenticate schedulers and employees using…