
Get security officer scheduling right the first time

There’s nothing worse than slaving over a shift schedule for hours and being told there’s a mistake right after you post it. Sometimes the reasons are obvious: Mistakes in totaling the hours; forgetting the new guy; or, letting your attention slip for a minute. Others come out of nowhere: The time change’s effect on hours worked; Client A’s complaint six months ago not to send Guard B to his site… Read More »Get security officer scheduling right the first time

Time to move away from manual security guard scheduling

You say you dread two tasks each week: putting together the security guard’s schedule and totaling up the hours for payroll. Both tasks take you hours and there is always at least one mistake. Odds are you are still doing both tasks manually. The term “manually” doesn’t always mean you are using pencil and paper to accomplish these tasks. You may think you are “in” with the modern business world.… Read More »Time to move away from manual security guard scheduling

How to e-mail work schedules using your Gmail account

The E-mail Schedule wizard in Snap Schedule lets you e-mail work schedules to all or selected employees. Each e-mail can contain the employee’s personal schedule or schedule information of all selected employees. You have the option to include an iCalendar formatted file that contains the employee’s personal schedule as well, so your employees can import their schedules into their calendar programs or PDAs. To e-mail work schedules to your employees… Read More »How to e-mail work schedules using your Gmail account

How to e-mail work schedules using your Yahoo! email account

The E-mail Schedule wizard in Snap Schedule lets you e-mail work schedules to all or selected employees. Each e-mail can contain the employee’s personal schedule or schedule information of all selected employees. You have the option to include an iCalendar formatted file that contains the employee’s personal schedule as well, so your employees can import their schedules into their calendar programs or PDAs. To e-mail work schedules to your employees… Read More »How to e-mail work schedules using your Yahoo! email account

How to send employee work schedules via a text message

If your employee has a cell phone with short message service (SMS), also known as text message, you can send work schedules from Snap Schedule directly to that phone. To send SMS text messages to a cell phone from Snap Schedule, you will use the same Email Schedule Wizard that you use to send out standard emails, however, you will send the email messages to the email address associated to… Read More »How to send employee work schedules via a text message

Using Employee Remote Access

With Employee Remote Access, you can connect to Snap Schedule Premium employee scheduling software  from any web browser, to access your work schedule, update your availability, and more. Just go to, and log in. You can click “Schedule” to see all your shifts for the month.  Use the buttons at the top to look ahead to next month, or back at last month.  Or click on a shift, to… Read More »Using Employee Remote Access

Using Snap Schedule iPhone App

Use Snap Schedule iPhone app, to access your work schedule, or request time off, from anywhere. Just tap “Schedule” to see all your shifts for the month.  Look ahead to next month, go back to last month, or see one week at a time.  Click on a shift, to see exactly when you should report, which Tasks you need to complete, and which Location to go to.  Just tap, for… Read More »Using Snap Schedule iPhone App

Attendance Management

With Snap Schedule Premium, your employees can punch in and out using Employee Remote Access, and you can monitor their attendance from your desktop. To turn on this special feature, just go to the Manage tab, click on “Employee Access,” and then check “Allow employees to punch in and out.”  You can also set limits here.  How early and how late can your employees punch in?  How early or late… Read More »Attendance Management

Keep scheduling and employee information in one place

Running a service business means that you have to maintain a lot of contact data. All too often this data is spread out among a number of locations. Operations will have phone numbers for employees and the primary client contacts. Site supervisors will have primary, alternate and last ditch contact information for their site. Sales will have an entirely separate list. To make it more difficult these lists will be… Read More »Keep scheduling and employee information in one place

Scheduling security guards on the contract you just won

Landing a big contract at a large site is every security salesperson’s dream. Contracts known as 108’s (1 guard, 2 shifts, 7 days a week), 168’s (1 guard, 3 shifts, 7 days a week, and 236’s (2 guards, 3 shifts, 7 days a week) are fairly common. They are the bread and butter jobs that provide the bulk of a company’s book of business. Nailing the big one with 3000… Read More »Scheduling security guards on the contract you just won